Our Work

The communities that we work in have severe challenges and most of them walk long distances to access clean water. 1 in 8 people in rural Kenya have access to clean drinking water. 5,400 children die every year because they lack clean water. Your love can change that!​

Each year an estimated 2.2 million children die from diarrhea and 443 million school days are lost to water-related illnesses

The African continent faces the greatest challenge of any region of the world with roughly 1 of 3 (330 million) people not using a clean water source.

In-terms of direct economic reward, every dollar invested in water and sanitation yields a $9 return to the local economy.

Risa Primary School

Risa was the very first school that we sponsored and has become the model for how we approach partnering with local communities.


Samai is a community in Kajiado county located about 40 miles from Loitokitok town in Kenya. There are no roads leading to this community that lives entirely in the wilderness. Samai Primary school is located about 4 miles from a dirt road and about 20 miles from a paved road. 


Empiron village is located near Kimana town in Kenya. It is a farming village with very fertile soil and a tropical climate. Africa Thriving drilled a well in the community in 2020 with the vision of helping local farmers provide food for the area. This will provide income to local farmers and food for the areas that we are helping thrive.

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